


Synonymer till balance

Hur används ordet balance

  • "The decrease in development time at the higher temperature balanced the increase in growth rate."
  • "In addition, they have not balanced the increase in the students and teachers."
  • "The decrease in development time at the higher temperature balanced the increase in growth rate."
  • "He was balancing on one foot"
  • "Not one Republican president has balanced the budget in 34 years in this country"

Ordet balance har 2 betydelser

  • Inom botanik
  • Inom generell

Vad betyder balance inom botanik ?

be in equilibrium

Översättningar (inom botanik)

Möjliga synonymer till balance (inom botanik)

Ordet balance inom generell

bring into balance or equilibrium

compute credits and debits of an account

bring into or maintain equilibrium or harmony

Översättningar (inom generell)

Synonymer till balance (inom generell)

Uttryck till balance (inom generell)

Möjliga synonymer till balance (inom generell)

Möjliga synonymer till balance (inom generell)

Diskussion om ordet balance



Översättningar (inom generell)

Hur används ordet balanced

  • "the carefully balanced seesaw"
  • "a properly balanced symphony orchestra"
  • "a balanced assessment of intellectual and cultural history"
  • "a balanced blend of whiskeys"
  • "the educated man shows a balanced development of all his powers"
  • "the books looked balanced"

Vad betyder balanced inom psykologi ?

being in a state of proper balance or equilibrium

Möjliga synonymer till balanced

Diskussion om ordet balanced